Thursday 28 May 2009

swf seeking amazing graphic designer!

David Trujillo is another person I wish I could be... oh how the list is growing!

Wednesday 27 May 2009

a living portrait

this is the other final piece i'm submitting for assessment on monday. The idea is it would look like a reguar poster, but would almost be alive... I am my own Dr Frankenstein...ish

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Here is an example of a lenticular poster I'm presenting as an idea for marketing the National Portrait Gallery to a young and trendy audience. The idea is to bring the portraits to life on the streets. Each portrait is animated in a different way to make people look twice at portraiture and the National Portrait Gallery.

I'm also so proud of myself for negotiating Google SketchUp, even at this basic level.

Sunday 10 May 2009


This is just so perfect for the thing its advertising, and best of all, it makes you smile :D

Friday 8 May 2009

tasty textures

I found this website which has some delicious hi-res textures for photoshop.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

He is Gabz too

I found this amazing polish illustrator. There's loads and loads of stuff on his webiste. But these were by far my favourites. Dark, edgy and best of all sublimely drawn. Stuff like this just makes me happy. (little sigh)

Saturday 18 April 2009

Do Ho Suh - the loss of individuality

Do Ho Suh is a Korean artist who had an exhibition at the serpentine gallery AGES ago, which featured, among other things, a glass floor held up by tiny figures, and entire rooms made from translucent silk. But even though I went to the exhibition when I was about 12, I often think about it, and only today realized fully what he was trying to portray through his work. It seems to me that his work deals with the loss of individuality, and the fragility of our existence. I wish they would bring the exhibiton back, I think it was the most important exhibition I've ever been to.